Supporting the Foundation

Your generosity provides us with the means to act and allows you to receive significant tax benefits. You should know that each gift entitles you to a tax reduction, the amount of which varies according to your tax (Income Tax or Property Wealth Tax). Here is some information which should help you to understand this better.

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By supporting the Foundation

Combine generosity and tax optimisation

How can you reduce your Property Wealth Tax? If you are subject to Property Wealth Tax, 75% of the amount of your gift is deductible from your Property Wealth Tax, within the limit of €50,000. Evaluate the amount of the gift which will allow you to reduce your tax as much as possible.  
When should you declare your gift?  If you are subject to property wealth tax and income tax, the declaration date is the same for both. Be careful, however: the declaration dates vary according to your department of residence.  

Another request? The MSF Foundation is at your disposal!

Would you like more information on the taxation of donations to the MSF Foundation? Do not hesitate to contact us!
Contact the MSF Foundation