The MSF Foundation team

A multidisciplinary team at your service

Amman-Hôpital RSP

MSF Foundation team

  • Clara Nordon
    Clara Nordon
    Director of The MSF Foundation
    Beatriz Beato-Sirvent
    Directrice Adjointe La Fondation MSF

  • Rachel Ach
    Rachel Ach
    Executive Assistant
  • Nayla Adjout
    Nayla Adjout
    Chargée administratif et RH La Fondation MSF
  • Laetitia Viaud
    Laetitia Viaud
    Program Manager Officer


  • Julie Santolini
    Julie Santolini
    Communication Manager
  • Catherine Bechereau
    Catherine Béchereau
    Head of Philanthropy

Alert-Epidemics Project

    Beatriz Beato-Sirvent
    Epidemics Program Manager The MSF Foundation
  • PictoEquipe
    Franck Alle
    Responsable épidémiologie MSF - WACA
  • Rahana Harouna
    Rahana Harouna
    Epidemiology Supervisor
  • Dr Robert Nsaibirni
    Dr Robert Nsaibirni
    Head of IT Research

Antibiogo project

  • Nada Malou
    Dr Nada Malou
    Program manager Clinical Lead Antibiogo
  • PictoEquipe
    Vanessa Lalouelle
    Project Assistant The MSF Foundation
  • Delphine Rapoud
    Delphine Rapoud
    Research Coordinator
  • Francois_Ohl
    François Ohl
    Product designer The MSF Foundation
  • Mai Alasmar
    Mai Alasmar
    Microbiologist (Amman-Jordanie)
  • CeliaPicture
    Célia Barberousse
    Epidemiologist The MSF Foundation
  • PictoEquipe
    Software team: Thoughtworks
  • PictoEquipe
    Product team : Thoughtworks

Programm 3D Project

  • Pierre Moreau
    Pierre Moreau
    Rehabilitation Development Manager The MSF Foundation
  • Elise Tauveron
    Elise Tauveron
    Clinical specialist in burn rehabilitation The MSF Foundation
  • Sajdy Moalla
    Sajdy Moalla
    3D Regional focal point La Fondation MSF
  • Safa Herfat
    Safa Herfat
    Technical coordinator
  • Joseph Jackson
    Joseph Jackson
    Assistant de recherche clinique MSF
  • Samar Ismaiel
    Samar Ismaiel
    3D Project Manager in Amman
  • Zuheir Hijazi
    Zuheir Hijazi
    Physiotherapist in Amman
  • Rawan Ar’ar
    Rawan Ar’ar
    Occupational Therapist in Amman
  • Moath Issa
    Moath Issa
    Mechanical Engineer in Amman
  • Hatim Mas’adeh
    Hatim Mas’adeh
    P&O Clinical Consultant in Amman
  • Mohamed Al Quatrawi
    Mohamed Al Quatrawi
    physiotherapist - focal point 3D - à Gaza
  • Abed El Hamid Qaradaya
    Abed El Hamid Qaradaya
    Physiotherapy Manager
  • Omar Al Hayek
    Omar Al Hayek
    Occupational Therapist- Gaza


    Beatriz Beato-Sirvent
    Epidemics Program Manager The MSF Foundation
  • PictoEquipe
    Dr Amadou Alpha Sall
    Administrateur Général Institut Pasteur de Dakar
  • PictoEquipe
    Dr Cheikh Tidiane Diagne
    Responsable des opérations DiaTROPIX
  • PictoEquipe
    Seynabou Dieng
    Chargée d’affaires réglementaires DiaTROPIX
  • PictoEquipe
    Oumar N’Diaye
    Responsable de production DiaTROPIX
  • PictoEquipe
    Aissatou Niane Diop
    Ingénieure Process DiaTROPIX
  • PictoEquipe
    Savana Rubin
    Spécialiste en transfert technologie DiaTROPIX


  • Pauline Choné
    Pauline Choné
    Program Manager La Fondation MSF
  • GeorgeAi4CC
    Dr George Kassim Chilinda
    PAVE-MSF co-principal investigator / Onco-surgeon MSF Malawi Mission
  • Dr Narine Danielyan
    Dr Narine Danielyan
    Medical Coordinator MSF Malawi Mission
  • Dr Camille Desforges
    Dr Camille Desforges
    External Activity Manager - Cervical Cancer Project MSF Malawi Mission
  • Dr Sylvie Goossens
    Dr Sylvie Goossens
    Project coordinator - Cervical Cancer Project MSF Malawi Mission
  • Amna Haider,  Study Principal Investigator, Epicentre
    Dr Amna Haider
    PAVE-MSF Principal Investigator / Epidemiologist Epicentre
  • Dr Charlotte Ngo
    Dr Charlotte Ngo
    Gyne-oncology advisor MSF Medical Department
  • Estelle Pasquier
    Dr Estelle Pasquier
    Epidemiologist Epicentre
  •  ELISHA KAZONDE / La Fondation MSF
    Emilie Phiri
    PAVE-MSF study coordinator MSF Malawi Mission
  • PictoEquipe
    Dr Henry B. K. Phiri
    PAVE-MSF co-Principal investigator / Deputy Director, Sexual and Reproductive health department MOH Malawi
  • Birgit SCHRAMM
    Dr Birgit Schramm
    Epidemiologist Epicentre
  •  Katharina Weizsacker
    Dr Katharina Weizsacker
    Gynaecology advisor MSF-OCP Medical Department